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PACE announces participation in APiJET Proven Partner Program

Scritto da TXT Author | 9-nov-2018 10.45.00

TXT company partners with Aviation Partners and iJet Technologies joint venture

TXT company PACE GmbH is one of the launch partners of APiJET’s Proven Partner Program. Proven Partners deliver onboard hardware, inflight connectivity, software applications and sensors that operate on aircraft to help APiJET’s airline customers operate more efficiently.

APiJET, the industry leader in real-time, on-board, automated data analytics, has invited PACE into the program on account of their EFB application Pacelab Flight Profile Optimizer (FPO). Pacelab FPO advises flight crews on the most cost-efficient speeds and altitudes en route, helping airlines save fuel, improve on-time performance and increase passenger comfort.

“Airlines have asked about solutions that integrate well with our system,” APiJET interim CEO Tom Gibbons says. “In response, we created the APiJET Proven Partner Program. Now airlines can easily identify the providers we work with regularly, and it underscores their commitment to helping airlines operate more efficiently and cost effectively.”

Read the full APiJET press release

Learn more about Pacelab Flight Profile Optimizer

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